NPS REPLAY with apptainer
To run NPS replay we have a NPSlib container. NPSlib is a extention on hcana for NPS experiment. Github link here
The container for NPSlib are at dockerHUB :
Building the NPSlib image
$ apptainer build nps.sif docker://jeffersonlab/hallc-npslib:v0.1.0
Here we are using the v0.1.0 version of the NPSlib which is also version of container. I have build my image with the name at “nps.sif”
Lets write a bash script to run on ifarm. Filename for this eaxmple is . To make it work with you, please change the paths in “modify as you need” part of code. Following asummes that your replay takes the env var argument as for raw data , rootfile and report output as shwown in here
# Two input args
runNum=$1 # RUN Number
nEvent=$2 # Number of events in that run
# Modify as you need
SCRDIR="/path/to/nps_replay" # my replay directory
SCRIPT="SCRIPTS/${SPEC}/eel108_replay.C" # replay script to run, relative to nps_replay directory
APPTAINER_IMAGE="/path/to/apptainer/nps.sif" # apptainer image location
# for the following make sure your replay script take following as env varibales.
# e.g. in
DATA_DIR=/cache/hallc/c-nps/raw # raw data directory.
LOG_DIR=/path/to/REPORT_OUTPUT/dir # REPORT output directory
OUT_DIR=/path/to/output/root/dir # OUTPUT rootfiles
# making sure the directory exists.
mkdir -f ${OUT_DIR}
mkdir -f ${LOG_DIR}
# Check if apptainer is available
if command -v apptainer > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "apptainer is already available."
# Load apptainer if not available
echo "Loading apptainer..."
eval module load apptainer
# Set the output filename
# Write each environment variable name and value to the output file
echo "DATA_DIR=${DATA_DIR}" >> "${output_file}"
echo "LOG_DIR=${LOG_DIR}" >> "${output_file}"
echo "OUT_DIR=${OUT_DIR}" >> "${output_file}"
echo "Environment variables written to ${output_file}"
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "NPS SINGLE REPLAY for ${runNum}. NEvent=${nEvent} using NPSlib container=${APPTAINER_IMAGE}"
echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
runStr="apptainer exec --env-file output.env --bind ${DATA_DIR} --bind ${OUT_DIR} --bind ${LOG_DIR} --bind ${SCRDIR} ${APPTAINER_IMAGE} bash -c \"hcana -q ${SCRIPT}\(${runNum},${nEvent}\)\""
eval ${runStr}
if your replay doesn’t take env variable for raw data, output rootfile and report . Make sure you have corrresponding link directory in the replay directory. Use following as for link directory structure in replay:
# Two input args
runNum=$1 # RUN Number
nEvent=$2 # Number of events in that run
# Modify as you need
SCRDIR="/path/to/nps_replay" # my replay directory
SCRIPT="SCRIPTS/${SPEC}/eel108_replay.C" # replay script to run, relative to nps_replay directory
APPTAINER_IMAGE="/path/to/apptainer/nps.sif" # apptainer image location
mkdir -f ${OUT_DIR}
mkdir -f ${LOG_DIR}
# Check if apptainer is available
if command -v apptainer > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "apptainer is already available."
# Load apptainer if not available
echo "Loading apptainer..."
eval module load apptainer
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "NPS SINGLE REPLAY for ${runNum}. NEvent=${nEvent} using NPSlib container=${APPTAINER_IMAGE}"
echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
runStr="apptainer exec --bind ${DATA_DIR} --bind ${OUT_DIR} --bind ${LOG_DIR} --bind ${SCRDIR} ${APPTAINER_IMAGE} bash -c \"hcana -q ${SCRIPT}\(${runNum},${nEvent}\)\""
eval ${runStr}
Make the file executables as:
$ chmod +x
Now in ifarm you can just to following to run a single jobs. Add corresponding run_num and num_events that you want to analyze.
$ bash <run_num> <num_events>
Debug using interactive shell
To debug anything or execute command manually inside the image you envoke inetractive shell using the following.
$ apptainer shell --env-file output.env --bind ${DATA_DIR} --bind ${OUT_DIR} --bind ${LOG_DIR} --bind ${SCRDIR} ${APPTAINER_IMAGE} bash
swif2 jobs
To use the above script with swif jobs. Please replace the DATA_DIR path to following.
How to use swif is explained in this . Input file is specified in swif as :
-input <filename> mss:/mss/hallc/c-nps/raw/<filename>
Here , replace <filename> with actual filename. For example nps_345.dat.0. This will then will automatically show up in the working directory. On the script make sure to have DATA_DIR specifies as $PWD before moving into any other direrectory. Example swif command line to submit a jobs is:
$ swif2 add-job myworkflow -account hallc -partition production -shell /bin/bash -input nps_345.dat.0 mss:/mss/hallc/c-nps/raw/nps_345.dat.0 -cores 1 /path/to/ 345 100
Your std out and err of the job will writeen to /farm_out/$USER/<foo>.{out,err} by default.
Comming soon