g4sbs and container

g4sbs is simulation software for hall A SBS experiment. Github

It has following dependency:

Since simulation doesn’t need inputfile (mostly), it is great candidate to be run on offsite computing center. But the installation of g4sbs along with its dependency can be tedious. Thus we made a container that has ready to use g4sbs in it.

You can find a test container in docker hub: apanta123/g4sbs:centostrypythia Here the version of dockerhub includes Geant4 : 10.7.3 , root 6.24, pythia6, g4sbs uconn_dev branch.

Building the g4sbs apptainer image

$ apptainer build sbs_offline.sif docker://apanta123/g4sbs:centostrypythia

I have build my image with the name at “g4sbs.sif

Running in ifarm

You can use following script with either swif2 or slurm to submit job to ifarm.


APPTAINER_IMAGE="/path/to/apptainer/image/g4sbs.sif"  # apptainer image location
SCRIPT="gen_1018_example.mac"  # script should be in BASEDIR




# Iterate through each variable and append to the output file
for var in "${variables[@]}"; do
    echo "$var" >> "$output_file"
module load apptainer

echo "------"
echo "g4sbs"
echo "------"
runStr="apptainer exec  --env-file output.env --bind ${APPTAINER_IMAGE} --bind ${BASEDIR} --bind /cvmfs ${APPTAINER_IMAGE} bash -c \"g4sbs ${SCRIPT}\""
eval "$runStr"

Running in OSG

Open Science Grid (OSG) is a distributed computing infrastructure that provides a shared pool of high-throughput computing resources to researchers across various scientific disciplines.

To submit job to OSG resources, we have put the apptainer image to oasis.opensciencegrid.org cvmfs. Location of image is: /cvmfs/oasis.opensciencegrid.org/jlab/halla/sbs/containers/g4sbs_pythia.sif

The submit node for OSg jobs is scosg20.

  • You login as:

$ ssh ifarm
$ shh scosg20
  • Then cd into the osgpool directory and make a directory with username. Also create other directory needed for later.

$ cd /osgpool/halla
$ mkdir $USER
$ mkdir -p logs output error
  • Get a grid certificate of Jlab CILOGON if not done so.

  • Make a .cilogon diretcory in scosg20 and put the usercert.pem and userkey.pem in that directory. Your directory should look like following:

$  ls $HOME/.cilogon/
usercert.pem userkey.pem
  • Create a bash script to run the simulation. Name the file as run_g4sbs.sh


# apptainer image location
SCRIPT="gen_1018_example.mac"   # script to run

output_file="output.env"  # Replace with your desired output file


for var in "${variables[@]}"; do
    echo "$var" >> "$output_file"

echo "------"
echo "g4sbs"
echo "------"
export $(xargs < output.env)
runStr="g4sbs ${SCRIPT}"
eval "$runStr"
  • Before submitting job you need to has x509 proxy. Use voms command to generate proxy.

    $ voms-proxy-init --cert $HOME/.cilogon/usercert.pem --key $HOME/.cilogon/userkey.pem --hours 24

    You will get a proxy file in /tmp directory starting with x509up_.

  • Create a submit file for OSG submission and name it as OSG.sub

executable = run_g4sbs.sh
output = output/stdout.$(PROCESS)
error = error/stderr.$(PROCESS)
log = logs/stdlog$(PROCESS).log
notification = never
universe = vanilla
should_transfer_files = yes
x509userproxy = /tmp/x509up_uxxxxx  # replace me with actual name
transfer_input_files = gen_1018_example.mac  # your .mac script to run
WhenToTransferOutput = ON_EXIT
on_exit_remove = (ExitBySignal == False) && (ExitCode == 0)
on_exit_remove = true
RequestCPUs = 1
Requirements = HAS_SINGULARITY == True
+SingularityImage = "/cvmfs/oasis.opensciencegrid.org/jlab/halla/sbs/containers/g4sbs_pythia.sif"
+SingularityBindCVMFS = True
  • submit the job

    Use condor_submit to submit the job.

$ condor_submit osg.sub
  • To check the job status